Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My First Week:

So I have finished my first week as a student nurse intern and if there is one thing I have learned it is that real life nursing is nothing like school. Sterile technique? Yeah right. 90 degree angle for sub-q's? Don't think so! How about doing an assessment so thorough you can describe the patient like the back of your own hand? Nope! In school you are taught perfection; in real life, there is no time for that. The first night I did assessments on 6 patients and had to document. It took me 2 1/2 hours WITHOUT documenting. Most of the patients were on isolation, which means you have to gown up which takes time. Then the most important question: Are you having any pain? And if so, I have to get my nurse so she can look up if the patient is due for any pain meds, what the patient wants if there are multiple prn pain meds ordered, then she has to go get them and bring them to the patient's room, practice at least the first 3 rights of med administration, scan the pt's band, the medicine, give the patient the medicine, then document it right then. Then while all that is going on I can assess skin, lungs, breathing, pulses, bowel sounds, abdomen, i&o....the list goes on.

And that is just one very small part of the shift! I am just very lucky that my preceptor is, in a word, awesome.

Needless to say, I have been pretty exhausted after my shifts and last week I did 3 12's in a row. I then had 5 nights off in a row. It was great. I took the kids to Six Flags all day Friday and my husband and I went out Saturday night with his family to celebrate his mom's birthday.

Jack on the trampoline.

John and I acting silly (which we do alot!)

It's just so much sweeter to have that time off after working hard, wouldn't you agree? :)


  1. Liz... you rock!! I SIT at a desk for 10 hours and complain... and you stand for 12!

  2. I'm so glad you're loving your job. :-) It always helps when you really like the people your working with.
