Thursday, May 26, 2011

Something Small, Something Amazing

Reading is such an important skill to develop when you're young, and the key is to have fun. This can be easier said than done when you're trying to read a story to a little one who is preoccupied with toys, their clothes, YOUR clothes, and anything that can divert their attention. Needless to say, reading time in our house consisted of starting a book, pausing every couple minutes to remind our younger kids to be quiet or pay attention, and occasionally getting frustrated and threatening to stop. Yet all our 3 kids always get excited for story time, or even going to the library.

Now, John (my husband) is taking a children's literature class at the moment and the first book he has to read is Reading Magic by Mem Fox (a must read for any parent). And he was transformed by this book, as I was just by listening to him talk about it. One of the key points in the book is to keep reading fun. That means, if they are not sitting at attention hanging onto your every word, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Just keep reading to them.

Huh! That honestly never occurred to me; however, reading time quickly became a fun event, not just for them, but for me as well.

Then today, John, Bella, and I all went to the library to get the kids started on their summer reading lists. Bella sat down and I started to read her a book, but she quickly took over.

I was amazed; so was the librarian and a couple of other people. My 3 year old daughter was reading by herself. It was possibly one of the best moments of my life.

Who's ready for storytime? :-)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Funny Story:

So I've had a sneaky suspicion for awhile now about something and it was just confirmed today.

My husband and I both go to the local community college: I'm in their nursing program, and he is doing his general ed classes to work towards getting his teaching degree. I've often thought that students at the college probably don't like the nursing students much. Why? Practically the whole back lot of the college is dedicated to the nursing students, in addition to dental hygiene and occupational therapist students. We've all got the newer buildings with the hi-tech equipment (nearly every classroom is supplied with computers, for example) while the other part of the campus is older and contains a lot of the original architecture (I believe the main building was built in the mid 1800s). My husband and I had a discussion about this awhile back mainly because most of his classes have been in the old main building and he agreed.

Anyway, today I went up to the local Subway to get a sandwich. I had my college t-shirt on since I've been cleaning and watching Disney movies with my 3 year old. As I'm paying for my food, the cashier, a man probably in his 20s notices my shirt and comments on it: "So you go to that school too huh?"

I answered "Yes I do, I love it."

"What are you going for?"


His response which now included a sour look on his face: "Oh.....that's something I guess."

Sneaky suspicion confirmed!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Basics:

So I created this blog a year ago and never really did anything with it. Since I have a little time on my hands now, I thought I would give it a shot :)

A little about me: I have been married for nearly 8 years and have 3 children: 2 boys and a girl. That in itself seems a lot. I am also in nursing school. I've just finished my 3rd semester for the associate's program, which is a 2 year degree AFTER you finish all the prerequisites. I started going full time in fall '08 and will graduate this December, so it has been a whole 3 years, by the time I'm finished it will be 3 1/2 years. Sheesh, I should have just done the Bachelor's program! Oh well. In addition to this, my husband decided last year to go back to school to get into elementary education, so needless to say, it's been a bit hectic around here :)

During all of this, we try to keep the kids active as well. Our 7 year old, Jack, plays soccer and baseball, and is in the Cub Scouts. Our 5 1/2 year old, Ethan, did gymnastics for awhile, then he played soccer last fall but liked to sit in the middle of the field rather than go after a white and black ball. He's been playing t-ball this spring and seems to like it, and we just signed him up for Cub Scouts. Our baby of the family, 3 1/2 year old Bella, is active all on her own but I'm hoping to sign her up for dance this summer. Who knew it would ever be so busy in our household? Not us, that's for sure.
